Circle Vintage Durham High-quality, vintage men’s and women’s clothing Circle Vintage Durham A treasure trove – full of vintage and retro clothing, accessories, trinkets and more! With clothing from the 1890’s to the 1990’s, and full of...
Bells Fish & Chips Proper fish and chips – eat in or takeaway Bells Fish & Chips Bells are proud to offer proper fish and chips. Their products are sourced only from sustainable fishing grounds, with their core product… the classic fish...
Durham City Studios Picture framing, printing, passport and visa photographs Durham City Studios First of all, if you need any material printing, pop into Durham City Studios for a great quote and great service. But there’s more than that too. ...
JB Antiques Antiques, vintage homewares, jewellery JB Antiques An ever changing market stall… the stock on display in JB Antiques (Central Durham’s only antique shop) is forever changing, you really will find something different every time...
John Erwin Photography Stunning Durham photography John Erwin Photography A regular trader at Durham’s Saturday Outdoor Market, John Erwin is a talented Durham-based photographer who captures stunning images of the city and the surrounding areas....
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