About Us

Totally Locally Durham is…
…a celebration of the city of Durham’s independent businesses!
Because, if we, all the independents, work together, we can have as much but probably more impact than the large nationals, the supermarkets and the online shops that are dominating people’s spend.
If we can encourage locals to spend £5 more each week with local independent businesses in Durham, that equates £5million pounds coming into our local economy. Each year!
Our Aim
Simply, our aim is to make the City of Durham as vibrant and attractive a place to visit as it can possibly be; whether you’re a local picking up some fruit and vegetables, or a visitor wanting to experience the best of the North East.
Working together, we want to encourage as many people as possible to shop locally and invest in our city centre.
Our Challenge to You
Can you commit to spending more of your money with independents? Are you prepared to get to know your local independents better?
If you always walk past a door, stop and walk in. Why not chat to the person behind the counter, find out their name? If you have great service, tell at least 5 other people about it so they can enjoy great service too. Discover the expertise running your local independent businesses … you’ll find a knowledgeable greengrocer, a fishmonger who can give you great recipe ideas, a seamstress who can make your curtains or repair your coat.
What we’d really like everyone to do is love Durham and cherish its independents, whether you live here, work here, socialise here or visit here!
Get Involved
Do you have an independent business in central Durham? Do you want to join together with us to promote everything that’s unique and wonderful about Durham?